
Showing posts from February, 2025

The Surgical Awakening

  Yesterday I promised to give you the gory graphic details of my day in the dental chair. The husband was not happy when they told him he could not leave in search of food and had to be there the entire time that I was there. I couldn't eat, so he should suffer along with me, right? I did not begrudge the man breakfast, but let's face it, it wasn't even his normal wake up time as they ushered me to my destiny. It was only an hour surgery they explained to the old man who sat in a chair and stuck his nose in his phone. The assistants readied me for the IV and looking at my chart, told there was a diagram of my arm to show the only good vein to stick. One left the room for a tinier needle while the other one put a blood pressure cuff on my arm and a mask over my nose with oxygen. The good doctor came in and put the tourniquet on the arm from the illustration and tried the good vein. The good vein did not cooperate, and the cuff had to be moved as he went to the other arm to ...

Just Say No To Retail

  The dogs knew we were leaving as they watched me smear peanut butter on their lick pads. Eddie stared up with his soulful eyes, trying to guilt me into staying home or taking him with me. Mr.BoJangles sat at attention on his hindquarters in his cutest begging stance, his bright eyes never leaving my hands as I prepared the snacks. Poor old Toni Louise ambled around sniffing the floor, oblivious to my actions, just following her siblings hoping for a treat. Eddie knew he had lost in his effort to persuade me to stay when I clicked off the turtle's heat lamp and put the lick pads on the floor, I doubt Dora, the turtle gave us much thought, other than missing her source of heat as she was content on her platform under the lamp. To be in compliance with our fellow Americans who will not be shopping anywhere this day, we were off to get our water jugs filled and pick up a few necessary and unnecessary items to tide us over. Honestly, if we had not needed water, I would not have gone a...

Hot Diggity Dog!

  Although this is my very first post, I am not new to blogging. For years I have been sharing my good days, my bad days, and many calamities with those who cared to read my words.  Did I want to start a brand-new blog? Not really. Life sometimes gets in the way. I acquired a stalker along the way. She is relentless and will not go away. I have had readers who disagree with me and have even said some harsh things in comments. Eventually they seem to move on and let me be. Not this one. The easiest thing was to stop posting on my old blog and create a new one. So, here I am. My new blog name would suggest that I am excited. I suppose I am. That being said, the name is more like a tribute to my canine companion, Charming Eddie. Charming Eddie is a dachshund, hotdog, wiener dog, fat little sausage filled with love for me. My constant companion has inspired many a story. Not just him, but his canine and turtle siblings. Yes, I am Mom to 3 dogs and a turtle. If I had my way, there ...