Hot Diggity Dog!
Although this is my very first post, I am not new to blogging. For years I have been sharing my good days, my bad days, and many calamities with those who cared to read my words.
Did I want to start a brand-new blog? Not really. Life sometimes gets in the way. I acquired a stalker along the way. She is relentless and will not go away. I have had readers who disagree with me and have even said some harsh things in comments. Eventually they seem to move on and let me be. Not this one. The easiest thing was to stop posting on my old blog and create a new one.
So, here I am. My new blog name would suggest that I am excited. I suppose I am. That being said, the name is more like a tribute to my canine companion, Charming Eddie. Charming Eddie is a dachshund, hotdog, wiener dog, fat little sausage filled with love for me. My constant companion has inspired many a story. Not just him, but his canine and turtle siblings.
Yes, I am Mom to 3 dogs and a turtle. If I had my way, there would be so many more animals under my care. Married for 50 years to my loving husband, Drew. For many years he has been referred to as "HeWho" and provided limitless material for my blog. I expect that will remain the same.
It has been too long since I have posted. Life gets in the way. An old shoulder injury has had me unable to use my left arm. Limited range of motion has plagued me for several years; lately, though, the tiniest of movements will cause me to gasp and immediately stop whatever I am doing. Yes, I have an appointment pending. I would have made an earlier appointment if I hadn't had a dental issue stop me.
Just an occasional twinge from a tooth I had a crown on. Early 2019 I had a root canal and then was made queen with a lovely white crown atop the remaining shell. You assume that pain will be a long-forgotten memory with a root canal, right? Well, I did. I received my first sign of royalty in the 80's with a shining crown on a top molar. Never had a minute's problem with this one. It remains in good service today.
The newest crown never felt quite right, though. It would move just the tiniest bit from time to time and the gum below would swell and become tender. I should have hauled myself back to the dentist in 2019. I didn't. 2019 was not a good year. Work was busy and family issues arose that seemingly required my presence and only mine. Then my husband, a smoker of 4 packs a day, despite already having had 2 heart attacks that should have sufficiently scared him into quitting, had a major heart attack. Then the world went awry with a pandemic, I had a mild heart attack and was released from the hospital just in time for the quarantine that shut down everything. My wiggly crown took a back seat to everything.
We sold the RV park and retired and fell into a new routine of life. We visit medical facilities now. everything seems to revolve around doctor appointments and surgical procedures. Fortunately, one of us is always well when the other is needy. The golden years!
A new laptop with an unfamiliar keyboard placement has me editing my words frequently. I set this up weeks ago, then POOF ...... it was gone. I could find it finally but was unable to log on. Frustration made me want to take a hatchet to the laptop, so I stopped trying. Then, today, as if by magic ..... here I am!! If you are among my blogger friends, I hope you find me here!
Hi K, So glad to have found you from a comment you left on Ellen’s blog. I am sorry that you had a stalker and that you have had dental woes. Hopefully that’s all better? I’ve read that one’s dental health can affect your whole body including your heart, as it can raise your body’s inflammation-which makes me wonder if the gout and heart disease will much reduced now.
ReplyDeleteI missed reading your posts! I love reading about your dogs, your garden, and just the stuff you get done. You are a problem solver and your solutions are ingenious. Cheers!
Glad you found me! I hated having to end my original blog, but it was the obvious solution. It is my ex-daughter-in-law who stalks all of our family. She is a manipulator, and my son is too nice for his own good! I have her blocked on everything else, but she would still read my blog and pick out tidbits to use against my son. My dental issues are healing very slowly, but I now wonder if the abscess may have had something to do with my heart attack. Time will tell. I still have a significant arrythmia, but no gout attacks of late. I missed writing, as it is my main coping mechanism. That and my pets!
ReplyDeleteI've been missing you! Good that you're back. Wondering if I should change your link in my blogroll, lest it lead a stalker your way... You never know what might lead to what in Google searches.
ReplyDeleteDo change that link. She is a clever one, my stalker. So many times I have been living my days and suddenly find something that is blog worthy. I promised my children I would stop posting and even used an alias to set up this account. HeWho is now called Drew provides more than enough material on a daily basis. Something you know only too well. I am still trying to transfer my reading list from the old site. I just don't have the concentration back yet. I may be getting old and senile, as my daughter joked. "You wish!" is my reply to that!
DeleteFinally found it! I kept trying the address with the @ symbol then I realized the @ should just be a 'dot' and that worked.
ReplyDeleteI just looked at it and you are right about the dot! Oops.
DeleteAdding the new blog URL to my feedreader right now!