In My Opinion

 So, yesterday I posted, then took a short nap. Later I posted again, thinking it was new day. Says a lot about my ability to focus! Age or pain? Who knows?

In my previous blog, I steered clear of politics. We were running a business, and I didn't want to offend prospects for that business. People who know me will tell you that I was in no way silent with my opinions, I was just a little bit careful about the people I shared them with. I didn't always choose those who agreed with me, as those lucky ones would tell you. I do love a good debate, after all.

I have become more outspoken, as my livelihood is no longer an issue. I live in a pro-Trump area, but I seem to be able to find those who are like-minded. I have never thought Trump had the credentials to be a leader of a country. Never. I recognize the man for what he is. I have heard all the arguments in his favor and can counter them all with facts that prove otherwise. No deep research required, all you have to do is watch the man and listen to what he says to know that he never wanted to be a president, but a dictator. 

Time and again the man has proven this over and over and his followers will excuse his words and actions. I don't get it, I really don't. Trump once said in a news clip that he loved stupid people. If I were a fan, I would find that offensive. He also was heard saying that if he were to run for the office, he would choose to be a Republican, because they were easily swayed. That certainly rings true. After he proclaimed, again on camera, that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and still be elected, I thought maybe his followers would think twice. 

His latest demonstration, covered by the media, was appalling to me. He seems to think Ukraine is responsible for their current situation. Yet, everyone called Biden old and feeble minded. I am surprised he didn't blame the invasion on Biden and his "crime family". He sent Zelensky away after demeaning him, then left for a weekend of golf. This is the same man who shouted about Obama playing golf too much.

It is clear that he sides with Russia. He mentioned World War III several times, making me wonder if that is part of his grand plan to make America great again. So far, America is not being made great. Inflation is rising and people are leaving the country. Those with the means to do so. I wish I was among them. I am no longer proud to be an American with him in office. I am embarrassed.

This is my opinion, of course, and I always own my words. I always concede when I am wrong. I have friends who think Trump to be a great man, a self-made rich man, very successful in life and business. His business ventures have been questionable and most have failed. He always ends up on top, though. This indicates that he has been less than honest and has been devious in his relationships with his employees. 

Bankruptcy is his go-to when one of his ventures are failing. Just wipe that slate clean and start over. Never considering the disasters in his wake. I think of all the vendors left with unpaid bills for services and goods. Many livelihoods destroyed that we will never hear about. People who lost their homes and their self-respect because they trusted a con man. Because that is what this man is. 

What happened to all those campaign promises? Did prices at the grocery store go down? Are you better off now? Ask some of the federal workers who voted for him how they feel. Say what you will about previous presidents, Democrats and Republican alike, they had one thing in common and that is compassion for their fellow man. Trump has no compassion for anyone other than himself.

During his first term, he showed his lack of understanding about how a democracy works. Checks and Balances. He was, no doubt, surprised when he realized that the role of president was not all powerful. He surrounded himself with those people who, like him want to be powerful. He chose them to find the loopholes in the government he could manipulate. Just like he chose his accountants for their ability to keep him from paying taxes. You may think that is clever, but is it honorable? Do Christians tithe to their churches? Most do, because it is the right thing to do, and they are instructed to do so in The Bible. Same should apply to their country. The tax dollars are for the good of the country. Do corrupt politicians manipulate the system? Of course they do. Just as corrupt leaders of the church steal money. When they are exposed, they are penalized. In both cases.

Trump has been exposed and convicted, just like everyone else who runs afoul of the laws. Yet he has faced no penalties. Instead, he was voted to the highest office in this country. I don't get it. He claims to be a "religious" man, while showing little inclination towards serving God or fellow man. 

I do not pretend to know everything, and this post is only my observations. God has a plan. That is what I learned as a child and have come to believe more and more. I don't flatter myself that God is going to share that plan with me. But our current world has me reading Revelations in a whole new light.

If you find my words offensive, don't read them. If you disagree and would like to point out flaws in my words, please do. If you agree and want to tell, do so. If this has made you think and want to investigate, by all means do it!


  1. Trump is nothing more than a two bit thug that demands worship. He inherited his wealth, he didn't create it and has in fact lost it over and over. He is a cheat and a liar. And he only gives lip service to being a religious christian so people will support him. Unlike you, I don't believe in the Abrahamic god who is also a two bit thug who demands worship and if you don't then he is a cruel god just like Trump. And if this is god's plan? Even more reason not to worship the bastard.

  2. We may not agree about religion, but we have many other areas that we do agree about. This country was colonized by those people looking for the freedom to believe in God and worship the way they wanted to. It includes those who do not believe in God and should have the same freedom to do so. You are right in the belief that Trump fancies himself to an almighty god. I consider you to be a valuable friend and would never attempt to persuade you to believe something you choose not to.


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