Dora Takes a Bite!
I had high hopes for today. In spite of having to rely on pain killers again yesterday, I convinced myself that I could bounce back today and get up, go to church, then spend some quality time outside in my gardens.
None of that happened. My ear hurt all night and when I finally did go to sleep, with my head at the foot of the bed, I overslept. Drew snores. That's bad enough, but he also moans and mumbles, yawns loudly and otherwise makes sleeping peacefully something I can only dream about. Eddie moved along with me and we chatted for a bit. I told him all my problems and he listened without interrupting me and even gave me a lick on my arm. Bo heard me talking and after realizing treats were not involved, moved to where my head should have been and spread eagled his tiny self there.
As my tongue explored the surgical site, it discovered an area that is splitting open. That can't be good. I will be at the dentist office tomorrow. Tuesday I will be at my primary doctor's office for my shoulder. I am not happy with the situation. My shoulder doesn't bother me as much as my mouth. If I am very careful when dressing and moving and do not make the wrong move, I feel almost normal. I can go whole days without shoulder pain. Not very often, as Bo thinks my shoulder is a place to perch.
In the meantime, I did make food for today. A nice pot of beef and barley soup. Yep, that's it. In an effort to help me, my sweet husband noted that the water was evaporating in the pot. So, he turned it off. When I asked if the barley and carrots were done he asked how to do that. He is so out of his element as he tries to "take care" of me. He is not much of a cook and his ability to clean up the kitchen is sub-standard. He does drive me to all these appointments and buckles me into the seat belt. My shoulders limited range of motion does not include that task. I could probably drive, since it is my left shoulder, but he is so eager to help. It would be wrong to deny him the pleasure of taking care of me, right?
I have left the feeding of the pets to him, as well. I was feeling guilty about Dora. It has been a while since I took her outside or gave her a bath. I picked her up and was talking to her the other day. She likes to be held above my eye level so that she can look down on me. I was talking to her, and she was watching me intently when she suddenly opened her mouth wide. Sometimes she will hiss while I talk, but she remained silent. I think she is mad at me. I was going to put her down on the floor to explore a bit when Bo ran up and she went at him with her mouth open. Bo has been nipped before and he backed off. She does not care for Bo. He did try to pick her up in his mouth once.
She usually likes Eddie. He just follows her and will herd her when we are outside to keep her away from the edge of the ravine. You would think she would appreciate that he has never thought her to be a nice snack and cares enough to follow her and keep her safe. Well, she bit my sweet Eddie and took a chunk of his nose! She had it on her mouth and Eddie yelped. He now has a divot in his sweet nose!
I all but tossed her back in her habitat to tend to Eddie. I suppose she knows how she ranks for my affection now! Had she bitten me, she would have been easily forgiven. Not biting my Eddie, though. I love that dog so much, it probably a sin! He took it in stride. I doctored his nose with Neosporin and held him for a long time while Drew fed the mean turtle.
The weather is on the chilly side today, so maybe going outside was not a good idea anyway. I am trying not to think about seeing the dentist tomorrow without sedation. I really hate to see the dentist!
I was always very careful to keep my fingers away from Big Mama because she also bit. My fault maybe for hand feeding her but you'd think after nearly 40 years she would be tamer. She got turtle sticks which I just put in the water but all fresh food was one bite at a time. She especially liked blueberries and banana.
ReplyDeleteIs it the rotator cuff on your shoulder?
We also handfeed Dora. She has nipped both of us but never broken the skin. Didn't hurt. She refuses all fruits and vegetables. She is still a carnivore eating mostly worms and dried shrimp. I suppose she has good and bad days just like the rest of us. Eddie is just such a sweet soul. I can understand biting Bo, he is a little stinker, but not Eddie. I think it is the rotator cuff or arthritis ....... maybe both. I am an over achiever, so probably both.
DeletePoor Eddie! It's good that you are seeing the dentist. Maybe you shouldn't still be having so much pain, and he can find out what's wrong.
ReplyDeleteEddie's nose has healed, and I have almost forgiven Dora, I woke in a lot of pain this morning and went back to bed after the dogs went out. I lay there willing everything to stop hurting in the semi darkness of the bedroom. Then my imagination took over and I pictured all the worst-case scenarios. Someone told me about her mother having an infection in her mouth that traveled into her bones and was on antibiotics for months. I pictured the infection traveling through my blood stream and into my brain! It was like a daymare (nightmare).
DeleteI have missed you. I'm glad to have you back.