Dora Takes a Bite!
I had high hopes for today. In spite of having to rely on pain killers again yesterday, I convinced myself that I could bounce back today and get up, go to church, then spend some quality time outside in my gardens. None of that happened. My ear hurt all night and when I finally did go to sleep, with my head at the foot of the bed, I overslept. Drew snores. That's bad enough, but he also moans and mumbles, yawns loudly and otherwise makes sleeping peacefully something I can only dream about. Eddie moved along with me and we chatted for a bit. I told him all my problems and he listened without interrupting me and even gave me a lick on my arm. Bo heard me talking and after realizing treats were not involved, moved to where my head should have been and spread eagled his tiny self there. As my tongue explored the surgical site, it discovered an area that is splitting open. That can't be good. I will be at the dentist office tomorrow. Tuesday I will be at my primary doctor's ...